Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sharing my Struggle

I've been checking in with Lifeshare a bit this week and the push is to share your faith in your online sphere of influence. I don't know that I really have a sphere of influence, but the effort is worth it, if for no one else than myself.

I believe Christ died for me and paid my debt and rose again and conquered death. I know I am forgiven, but sometimes, I take this lightly. The other night, my little girl had had a particularly bad day (behavior wise) at school and home. I am a pretty strict mom and came down on her pretty hard. After it was all over and we were getting ready for bed, she began to weep -- WEEP! I asked what was wrong and her reply was "I'm misbehaving and I WANT to be good." I held her in my arms and let her cry. What a picture of true repentance. God let my heart be broken over my sin.

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